Today I Learned Writer

The easiest soup recipe in the world

It's these cold winter days and nights that just make us crave for anything warm. Outside snow, rain and cold are prevalent and inside we can warm ourselves with this super easy and super healthy soup recipe. Oh, and did I mention it is incredibly quick too?? I'm not gonna be giving exact instructions as cooking is a process that involves tasting. And this recipe is very versatile because you can just choose whichever vegetable you want. The only thing is, you'll need an immersion (stick) blender. There's just a couple of steps:

  1. Prepare the base
  2. Add vegetable and water
  3. Blend
  4. Season
  5. Done

1. Prepare the base

Put a soup pan on a medium heat and add some butter. Cut an onion, and toss it in the pan. If you like you can add some cloves of garlic. While the onion gets nicely cooked go to the next step.

2. Add vegetable & water

I haven't found a vegetable yet that I don't like in this soup, but my favorite is broccoli. But something like cabbages, carrots, kale, mushrooms, etc work well as well. Clean and cut the Chosen Vegetable and chuck it in the pan with the onions. Let it cook a bit with the onions. Then add water so that the vegetable is exactly covered, but no more (unless you like watery soups). Cook until the vegetable is done.

3. Blend

When the vegetable is cooked and ready, take your blender and blend the hell out of the soup. It should be nice and thick because you didn't add that much water, right? I love mine super thick, but you can add water if you think it is too thick. It's your soup!

4. Season

Now you can keep things simple and just season with salt and pepper, or you can use some stock cubes to taste. Think about how the vegetable might be eaten, or which flavors go well with it. For instance with broccoli mustard could be an interesting thing to add. If you're gonna experiment, it can be helpful to take a spoon of the soup and add a little of the thing you want to add to see if the flavors match. Things like maggi and soy sauce work particularly well and are generally safe to add. When you are happy...

5. Done

Yes! Pure bliss! This soup takes like 5 to 10 minutes to make and is the perfect healthy pick-me-up in the cold winter months. And naturally you can also eat it in the summer ^_^
